Rolling rack

Mobile base system


Mobile shelving is an investment that allows you to get the most out of each m2 of warehouse. Shelves firmly stuck together in mobile blocks.

The key is in the quality of the mobile base. At StockSystem we market several highly professional and quality options that require virtually no maintenance.

The mechanism is very easy to operate. The rolling racks are opened and closed by means of steering wheels, handles or even electric motors.

We offer you a proposal and estimate with no obligation. At StockSystem we guarantee the highest quality.

We supply throughout Europe

Do you need a storage system outside of Spain?

We supply all over Europe and, in some cases, we install in countries such as: Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, UK and the Netherlands mainly.

Contact us!


Phenolic screens and cabins

The removable screens and partitions are offered for offices, showrooms and any spaces that require them. We design and market…

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Metal lockers and cabinets

An essential element in any organisation, point of sale, industry, warehouse.

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Grooved angle

Adaptability within reach of any pocket

The most traditional and economic way to store light loads.

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Super 123 shelving

The modular system of shelving without screws.

Modular and flexible structure, without screws, of premium quality steel, high resistance and galvanized finish.

215 kg 33 mm
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